Ecosocialist Horizons at the NYC Climate Convergence
Join Ecosocialist Horizons at the NYC Climate Conference!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
16 Beaver Street, NYC, 4th Floor
Featuring: Joel Kovel, Colia Clark, Matt Meyer, Quincy Saul and more!
Participants at a rally outside COP 17 in Durban, South Africa. Credit: Quincy Saul
Ecosocialist Horizons was launched in 2011, though the ecosocialism it represents goes back more than twenty years and has been a significant presence in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, the UK, France, Denmark, Turkey, Greece, South Africa, China and beyond!
Climate change is part and parcel of a global ecological crisis whose driving force is the cancerous capitalist system. Accordingly, though all change must be grounded in local struggle, it must also be integrated with a planetary revolutionary uprising that incorporates the struggles of traditional socialism and its Marxist articulation into the vision of a post-capitalist mode of production centered on the production of integral ecosystems.
This entails the integration of ecofeminism, indigeneity, and ecocentric spirituality into a radical transformation of the relations between humanity and nature that have characterized history, especially its modernist phase.
This panel will include a report from Ecosocialist Horizon’s most recent delegation to South Africa for the first PanAfrican Conference on nonviolence, organized by War Resisters International. Emerging from this conference is a dramatic call for a Climate Satyagraha, a path to revolution on the ecosocialist horizon.
When the panel is over, join us on the journey uptown to the Bronx, to Rage Against The Dying of the Light! (A concert-convergence-party convened by Ecosocialist Horizons and hosted by The Villalobos Brothers!) Click here for more information about this event!
Co-sponsored by Capitalism Nature Socialism
and Resistance in Brooklyn.
Click here for more about the NYC climate conference!