Game Over for Planet Earth with Roger Rashi

This special feature on the Ecosocialist Horizons Hour (EHH) outlines ecosocialist theory and practice in the context of the single most threatening industrial project to the planetary ecology today: the Keystone XL Pipeline, now 95% complete, which would carry dirty bitumen fuel from Alberta, Canada down to refineries in Texas for domestic and international consumption. Joining us is Roger Rashi of Quebec Solidaire.

The carbon intensive fuel extraction and immense fuel reserves compelled NASA’s James Hansen to forecast its completion as “Game Over for Planet Earth.” Fortunately, there is resistance, and we will be interviewing the distinguished Roger Rashi of Quebec Solidaire, a powerful sovereignty and left-wing political party in Quebec that played a key role in the student movement of 2012 and is now a leading force against the petrolizing of Northern Canadian Tar Sands.

Also joining the mix will be hip-hop activist and Movement in Motion founder spiritchild, whose libreatory pedagogy links climate justice to the battle against racism and apartheid.

Ecosocialist Horizons Hour is your frontline report on the global ecological crisis and the struggle for a livable world. EHH is the only source connecting the dots between Empire, Capitalism, Ecological Collapse, and the movements to rebuild humanity’s severed connection with the natural world.

EHH is not meant for the faint of heart. Join us with courage, spirit, and a bit of humor that is needed to answer the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced.


insurgent humor with Randy Credico


The Troy Declaration of Ecosocialist Vision and Theory